Passeggiando con lo sguardo all'insù, ho scoperto questa piccola costruzione che si trova all'incrocio di due strade molto frequentate del centro di Firenze. Attualmente non pare che abbia una qualche funzione; si presenta perciò come un inusuale ornamento, inseparabile dagli alberi che lo accompagnano e dal cielo che fa da sfondo alla minuscola cupola.
Looking up while walking, I have discovered this small building that is placed where two croaded roads cross, in the centre of Florence. At the present time it doesn't seem to have a function; so it appears like an unusual ornament, inseparable from the trees accompanying it and from the sky that is the background of its tiny dome.
Looking up while walking, I have discovered this small building that is placed where two croaded roads cross, in the centre of Florence. At the present time it doesn't seem to have a function; so it appears like an unusual ornament, inseparable from the trees accompanying it and from the sky that is the background of its tiny dome.