08 agosto 2010

Qualcosa che ama il sole - Something that loves the sun

Questo è il mio primo contributo al tema settimanale proposto dal gruppo Everyday Matters. Il tema di questa settimana è il n. 285: "Disegna qualcosa che ama il sole". Il mio pensiero è andato subito ai coloratissimi peperoncini che da poche settimane abbelliscono il mio balcone: basta guardarli per avere in mente il sole, il caldo, l'estate.

This is my first contribution to the weekly drawing challenge proposed by the Everyday Matters Group. The theme of this week is no. 285: "Draw something that loves the sun". At once I couldn't help thinking of the colourful red peppers that have been adorning my balcony for the last few weeks: one just have to look at them to have in mind the sun, the heat, the summer.

14 commenti:

  1. What a gorgeous sketch of your peppers, Lucia!! The sunlight is wonderfully evident on the leaves! Superb!

  2. I love it! And I love peppers! I used to hate them when I was little and was wondering why my mom had to put pepper in everything she cooked, but now I know why because I can't live without them either ^^

  3. Beautiful painting of the plant and the red accent adds so much to the composition.

  4. beautiful painting. i love the highlights!

  5. Lovely! I grow them just because they're so pretty, I rarely eat them.

  6. Yes! These are beautiful and definitely something the sun loves.

  7. Non conoscevo la tua abilità di acquerellista naturalista, bravissima!

  8. Thank you all, I am happy that you have appreciated this sketch, it's one of the useful exercises by which I am trying to improve my skill in observing and painting nature!
    Grazie di cuore Mario, in realtà questa non è la mia specialità, ma proprio per cercare di migliorarmi mi sto esercitando con "studi" simili a questo... magari in futuro ne pubblicherò anche altri.
    A presto!

  9. Concordo con Mario e aggiungo: deliziaci con altri saggi in materia!

  10. Great sketch! I have four of these in my garden. They're huge and they are producing so many peppers that I couldn't hope to ever eat them. Luckily my neighbors love them too.

  11. Oh, that's a lovely sketch. I like peppers, but would rather draw them than eat them!

  12. Welcome to EDM!

    I love to grow peppers and to eat them too. But I have not had much luck with growing them.

    Lovely sketch!

  13. Prezioso come una tavola botanica di altri tempi... bellissimo, Lucia!


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