22 agosto 2011

Viaggio in Dalmazia - Trip to Dalmatia (2)

La collina a est di Pupnatska Luka
The hill east of Pupnatska Luka

Le isole a sud di Korčula viste da Pupnatska Luka
The islands south of Korčula seen from Pupnatska Luka

Una giovane mamma gioca con la sabbia sulla spiaggia
A young mother plays with sand on the beach

La Dalmazia con le sue isole è nota per le sue acque pulite e trasparenti, mentre non è affatto facile trovare spiagge ampie e comode, trattandosi di una costa frastagliata e rocciosa, spesso resa accessibile ai bagnanti da deludenti banchine in cemento.
Korčula invece esistono belle spiagge di ciottoli, come quella di Pupnatska Luka, dove abbiamo passato una piacevole, riposante giornata circondate dal verde intenso delle colline ricoperte di pini e dai colori cangianti del mare e delle isole intorno.

Dalmatia with its islands is known for its clean, transparent waters, while it isn't easy at all to find wide, comfortable beaches, since the coast is rocky and jagged, often made accessible to bathers through disappointing concrete docks.
In Korčula instead there are beautiful pebble beaches, like the one of Pupnatska Luka, where we spent a pleasant, relaxing day surrounded by the intense green of the hills covered with pines and by the changing colours of the sea and the islands all around.

8 commenti:

  1. ciao Arianna!questi appunti di viaggio deliziosi rispecchiano bene il tuo approccio apparentemente semplice all'acquerello e denotano, come sempre, una grande sensibilità

  2. So Beautiful I almost could imagine myself there!

  3. It looks like a relaxing place to be, you captured the cool water well...I want to jump in!

  4. Ah those turquoise seas. These are lovely Lucia. I really like the mother playing in the sand with the dry scribbled colour.

  5. Beautiful with a great holiday feel to them. I like the one of the woman the best.

  6. Love the one with the young mother!

  7. These are beautiful! The colors are so gorgeous, soft and relaxing!

  8. What a nice departure from your usual urban views (that otherwise I like so much)!
    We are experiencing the joy of holidays and traveling with you in this post, thank you Lucia!


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