16 ottobre 2012

Sketchcrawl n. 37 alla Libreria Edison - Sketchcrawl no. 37 at the Edison Bookstore

Ieri, 13 ottobre mi sono incontrata con Roberto, Massimo, Cristina e molti altri disegnatori all'interno della Libreria Edison a Firenze.
La libreria sta per chiudere definitivamente il mese prossimo, un evento che ha reso tristi e delusi molti dei clienti abituali, essendo questo uno dei luoghi preferiti in città fra coloro che amano i libri e apprezzano la libreria anche come luogo di ritrovo, dove si può perfino mangiare o prendere un caffè nel bar situato all'interno.
In realtà, questa è solo l'ultima di numerose attività culturali che hanno chiuso in tempi recenti: la libreria Le Monnier, la Martelli, il negozio di dischi Ricordi, la Libreria del Porcellino. Alcune voci dicono che ci sono già degli accordi perché l'immobile diventi un Apple Store, ed è prevedibile che la notizia spaventi e faccia inorridire tutti gli amanti della carta stampata.
A me dispiace soprattutto per i dipendenti della libreria, e non nascondo il mio timore che Firenze si ritrovi, oltre che con un buon numero di nuovi disoccupati, con un altro locale tristemente chiuso e inutilizzato.
(pennarello impermeabile e matite acquarellabili su taccuino da viaggio Winsor and Newton 14,9x21 cm).

Yesterday October, 13th I gathered with Roberto, Massimo, Cristina and many other sketchers inside the Edison Bookstore in Firenze. The Bookstore is going to close definitely in the next month, an event that have left many usual customers sad and disappointed as this is one of the most beloved places in the city for all those who like books and enjoy meeting their friends here, where one can also eat something or have a cup of coffee at the bar inside the store.
Actually, this is just the latest of many cultural enterprises that have been recently closed: the Le Monnier bookstore, the Libreria Martelli, the Ricordi records shop, the Libreria del Porcellino. There's a rumour around that some agreement has already been made to make the place become an Apple Store, and the thing predictably frightens and gets all the lovers of printed paper horrified.
I feel sorry most af all for the employees of the bookstore, and I don't hide my fear that Florence may end up not only with a number of new jobless people, but also with another place sadly closed and unused.
(waterproof ink liner and watercolour pencils on travel sketchbook Winsor & Newton 5,8"x8,3" cm).

11 commenti:

  1. What a shame about the bookstore. You have captured the spirit of it now well. I especially like the 2nd one.

  2. I love your sketch! I see lots of closed up bookstore in my area too. And the schools are all doing away with art and music instruction. It truly is such a sad commentary on our social climate, isn't it? I wish we could all get together and do something about it... Maybe you could submit your sketch to the local paper with a little comment about it? Little things like that might start to make people more aware and help others speak up about the loss of art and culture in our society.

  3. Molto belli i tuoi schizzi Lucia. Che peccato che luoghi come questo vengano chiusi, luoghi che dovrebbero essere i fiori all'occhiello delle città d'arte e di cultura, come Firenze. Ma in che razza di paese ci stiamo trasformando!! Un abbraccio!

  4. Most shops that close here are replaced with betting shops, such a shame. Great sketches!

  5. Great sketches Lucia! :) Sweet dedication

  6. Ciao LB..(adesoo ho capito chi sei..scusa ma non c'ero arrivata solo dalle inziali). Chissà che un giorno non venga a Firenze per uno sketchcrawl ... in fondo è vicina (stavolta m'ha preso la prigrizia ..del treno)

  7. The small privately owned bookstore as well as other small businesses are a very endangered species. Mega stores threaten as well as agri-business and other mega businesses that get huge tax breaks, Very sad for us as well as the employees. You watercolors are well done and poignant.

  8. I live in one of the hardest hit cities in the USA for foreclosures and double digit unemployment. To see bookstores close is very sad, indeed. We've already had one of the large chain bookstores close in the past year. I sure hope the Barnes & Noble doesn't close...there's a Starbucks cafe inside where I meet my friends on Sun. to chat, knit, eat, read. None of my friends do any kind of art.

  9. Wonderfully done work. Our bookstores also have all closed and I share your sadness.

  10. Your sketches are so good but your story so sad! Poor little Europe is suffering so much just like us in the UK

  11. Thank you all for your beautiful comments! It's s such a sad thing that also this bookstore is about to close but now I have learnt from you that it happens elsewhere, too, in the Uk and in the USA.
    Ciao a tutti!
    E grazie anche a te Tito, grazie di continuare a seguirmi!


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