21 luglio 2011

Gli alberi danzanti - The dancing trees

Passando da questa piazza alcune settimane fa, ebbi la piacevole sorpresa di trovarla invasa da ragazzini che giocavano a pallone, creando un'animazione rumorosa che non mi aspettavo in questa parte di città posta fra la ferrovia e i viali, una sorta di isola indisturbata in mezzo alle correnti, fatta di spazi tranquilli, villini eclettici, caseggiati di inizio Novecento.
Quando ci sono tornata per realizzare questo acquerello, nell'ora più calda di un giorno di piena estate, ho trovato un'atmosfera molto diversa: la piazza era semideserta, le panchine vuote, nessuna voce risuonava nell'aria.
Solo gli esili pini del giardino centrale sembravano dotati di vita; osservandone i tronchi obliqui e le chiome che sfidavano il sole rovente per offrire alla piazza qualche angolo d'ombra, ho avuto la sensazione che le loro pose instabili, pur bloccate nell'immobilità estrema, stessero formando i passi di una danza.

Walking through this square a few weeks ago, I had the pleasant surprise of finding it invaded by boys playing soccer, producing a noisy liveliness that I wasn't expecting in this part of the city placed between the railway and the boulevards, a sort of island amid the streams, made of quiet spaces, eclectic houses, early Nineteenth century blocks.
When I came back there in order to make this watercolour, in the hottest hour of a midsummer day, I found a very different atmosphere: the square was half deserted, the benches empty, no voice was echoing in the air.
Only the thin pines of the central garden seemed alive; looking at their oblique trunks and at their foliage challenging the hot sun to offer the square some spot of shade, I had a feeling that their unstable poses, although blocked in extreme immobility, were forming the steps of a dance.

10 commenti:

  1. You are a talented writer as well as an artist! I love how you described the trees as daring the sun to peek through... and your painting is wonderful!

  2. Lucia, complimenti per questo lavoro, lo trovo molto bello. Mi piace perchè trovo che gli alberi rompano la staticità delle linee degli edifici e diano al tutto un magnifico movimento con i loro rami. Ciaooo!

  3. This is beautiful Lucia - they really look like they are dancing.

  4. Looks like a Tango to me, Lucia! Your posts are always so lovely to read. Beautifully written with an equally beautiful watercolour to complete the feast!

  5. Grazie Tito, and thank you Katherine, Sue, Michael!
    I'm glad that you like my writing as well as my drawings, I'm always doing every effort to communicate my feelings, thoughts and memories connected to each place!

  6. It's a lovely study with a lovely little story to go with it! nancy

  7. Lovely! =) Beautiful perspective as always

  8. Wonderful mood and color. The tree limbs are a great graphic element. Nice work!


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