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Nel primo pomeriggio, durante la nevicata, ho potuto fare qualche foto, e non mi sono fatta sfuggire l'immagine del Duomo che sembrava dissolversi nel cielo cupo mentre la Cupola imbiancata diventava simile a una gigantesca torta ricoperta di zucchero a velo; dalla foto ho tratto un disegno che ho cercato di eseguire più velocemente possibile, privilegiando le sensazioni rispetto all'esattezza dei dettagli.
Con questa immagine in cui il Duomo sembra appartenere più al Cielo che al mondo terreno, faccio a tutti i miei auguri di Buone Feste.
It doesn't snow frequently, in Florence; that's why last week, when the whole city found itself under an intense snowfall, everyone looked at the sky, partly fascinated by the changes of the landscape that were outlining a city with a new look and magically silent, partly worried for the possible discomfort that the snow, as always happens in these cases, would have caused. The events demonstrated that there were good reasons to be worried: thousands of people were blocked in the traffic jam along the viali (boulevards), at the train station of Santa Maria Novella where most of the trains were cancelled, in the motorway where the traffic was stopped for hours, and many had to spend the night in their places of work or in hotels or in other places expressly set up, or even inside their cars.
In the afternoon, during the snowfall, I had the opportunity to take some photographs, and I didn't miss this image of the Duomo that seemed to fade in the gloomy sky while the whitened Dome was resembling a gigantic cake covered with a dusting of sugar; from the photo I've made a drawing that I've tried to complete as quickly as possible, favouring my feelings rather than the accuracy of details.
With this image where the Duomo seems to belong more to Heaven that to the earthly world, I give to all my Season's greetings.
It's so beautiful! It does seem other worldly.
RispondiEliminaWhat a lovely drawing: dreamy, mysterious and delicate !
RispondiEliminaYou have captured the atmosphere of the Duoma in snow so well. Jill (in australia)
RispondiEliminaThis is my favourite so far Lucia...it's beautiful and perfectly done. The colours and snow are just right, but I'm glad you didn't sit outside to do it!
RispondiEliminaThis is a beautiful drawing, you have captured the coldness of a winter sky with your choice of paper and applied colours. Brrr!
RispondiEliminaBeautiful drawing!! Your blue paper was a brilliant choice. I wish I could have seen Florence with a fresh snowfall.
RispondiEliminaBeautiful Lucia, keep warm!
RispondiEliminaOttima la scelta della carta colorata! Hai reso perfettamente l'atmosfera (come sempre). Felice natale anche a te!
RispondiEliminaSuch detail! Lovely work. Merry Christmas.
RispondiEliminaChristmas blessings, Lucia. This is a thoughtful image and post. Stay warm!
RispondiEliminaThis is absolutely delightful!! You captured the peacefulness of a snowy day and the beauty of Florence in one drawing. I love the detail of the Christmas tree in the corner. This would make a stunning Christmas card. I really like your description as well.
RispondiEliminaStunning is also the word I'd use. You have done many outstanding pieces, but this one is awesome.
RispondiEliminaIt is beautiful! Happy holidays to you too!
RispondiEliminaMeraviglioso questo disegno, Lucia, proprio proprio bello! Hai proprio saputo catturare la luce e l'incanto della nevicata in città... un abbraccio, e tanti auguri di buon natale!
RispondiEliminaThat is beautiful. I love the hazy atmosphere of the snow in the air you captured.
RispondiEliminaA very lovely piece. Perfect for the holidays. Merry Christmas Lucia!
RispondiEliminaPoetico emolto, molto suggestivo il tuo Duomo con la neve. Complimenti Lucia!
RispondiEliminaBUON NATALE E FELICE ANNO NUOVO!!!!!!!!!!!
Un abbraccio. Tito.
This is beautiful Lucia.
RispondiEliminaMerry Christmas to you too.
Grazie a tutti, le vostre parole mi riempiono il cuore di gioia! Auguri a tutti di un sereno Natale e di un bellissimo anno nuovo!
RispondiEliminaThank you all, your words fill my heart with joy! I wish you all a peaceful Christmas and a beautiful new year!
Lucia :-)
Hi Lucia, I hope you have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas. Your cathedral is stunning! I like the softness you achieved; it definitely looks like it's snowing!
RispondiEliminaYet another beautiful perspective and gorgeous structural piece. Love the blue, thanks for your comments and hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebration
RispondiEliminaWe too in England have had more snow than we are used to, but what a wonderful chance to create this work of the dome covered in falling snow. Beautifully effect Lucia - almost ethereal. Thanks for commenting on my flickr flower border image.
RispondiEliminaLovely work. You very well captured the snowy ambiance. Well done!
RispondiEliminaVeramente bello ragazza !!! lo sfondo colorato della carta rende in modo perfetto l'atmosfera quasi stemperata ed ovattata che da la neve.
RispondiEliminaBuon anno, anche se ormai iniziato ...